Max and the Big Fish 1 is the first in a series of unique new curriculum tool for students of all ages. The book follows the format that has been developed by an experienced educator and avid angler. The story has made use of AI enhancements to the storyline created by the author. Really awesome story illustrations with captions are included.
The story is about a boy named Max that lives in a small town near a lake. Max loves the outdoors and particularly has a true passion for fishing. He is a Micro Fish Academy recruit. Max goes fishing at his favorite lake and on a slow-bite day, he is about give up with plans to come the next day. As he was completing his "last cast" he felt a tug on his line and had the fight of his life with this giant magnificent fish. He fought and then landed the fish. The story gets intensely interesting when he runs to tell his parents about the fish. He left it on a stringer by the lake. When his parents followed him back to the water, the fish had escaped! He was devasted. Read the book to find out how the fish and happenings afterward ended up developing grit and determination for Max.
The book creatively combines the story characters and plot with math lessons and story problems based on math power standards. For this launch of the series, the first two standards are featured with an answer key that helps the learner by having an answer key that includes the original problem story with a detailed thought map answer. Micro Fish Academy looks forward to Max and the Big Fish 2 where he will be joined by other angler kids. The remaining power standards chosen by the author as potential fous skills that may be tested on standardized assessments including ILEARN and NWEA.
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